Symposium International

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Premier Symposium International de Morphologie (ISMo)

First International Symposium of Morphology - Lille, France, December, 13-15th 2017
13-15 décembre 2017


Download the Program : program

December 13, 2017


12h00-14h15 Registration
14h15-14h30 Opening

14h30-15h30 I. PlagHow morphological structure affects phonetic encoding: Modeling the duration of morphemic and non-morphemic S
15h30-16h00 S. Beniamine,
O. Bonami,
J. McDonough
When segmentation helps. Implicative structure and morph boundaries in the Navajo verb
16h00-16h30 L. EsherMorphomic structure(s) and the Occitan synthetic conditional

16h30-17h00 Coffee break

17h00-17h30 M.Voga,
A. Anastasiadis
Connecting lexica in monolingual and bilingual cross-script morphological processing: base and series effects
  17h30-18h00 M. Schlechtweg The naming potential and acquisition of novel compounds and phrases
  18h00-18h30 M. Shimada,
A. Nagano
A relational nominal structure in nominal predicates

December 14, 2017


09h30-10h00 L. Laks (Dis)favoring polycatergoriality in word formation? Evidence from Palestinian Arabic and Hebrew
10h00-10h30 G. SchalchliLes doubles suffixes revisités: pour un changement radical de l'analyse dérivationnelle
10h30-11h00 N. Hathout,
S. Lignon,
F. Namer
Morphophonology and paradigms in the Démonette derivational database

11h00-11h30 Coffee break

11h30-12h00 J. Michaud,
E. Dugas
Word formation in general and special languages: the case of super- and s- prefixations
12h00-12h30 C. SzecelConstruction Morphology applied to the analysis of medical neologisms in the Middle Ages: benefits and challenges

12h30-14h00 Lunch

14h00-14h30 E. FornasieroMorphology through the hands and face: evaluative morphology in Italian Sign Language
14h30-15h00 Y. Sennikova,
B. Garcia
Structuration du lexique de la Langue des Signes Française (LSF). Focus sur la nature et les fonctions des composants infra-unité lexicale
15h00-15h30 E. GöbbelEnglish ie-hypocoristics: A DM analysis

15h30-15h45 Coffee break

15h45-16h30 Poster session

16h30-17h00 N. Faust[lo kaze aj-aj-aj]: Haplology in Modern Hebrew plural marking
17h00-17h30 G. BoyéInflectional morphology without inflectional classes: a French conjugation reflection
17h30-18h00 A. KihmPredicate highlighting in Yiddish and the question of "pseudo-infinitives"

Conference Dinner at 8h : Brasserie La Paix, 25 place Rihour, Lille

December 15, 2017


09h30-10h30 L. McNally Roots and functional morphology: A view from combined formal and distributional semantics
10h30-11h00 B. FradinDeverbal nominalizations denoting places

11h00-11h30 Coffee break

11h30-12h00 A. Fabregas,
R. Marin
Lexical categories and semantic primitives: the case of Spanish -ncia
12h00-12h30 M.L. KnittelFrench nominals in -ant: semantic properties

12h30-14h00 Lunch

14h00-14h30 F. PicardStem alternation at the morphology-phonology interface: examples from Skolt Saami
14h30-15h00 B. CrysmannPatterns of allomorphy in Benabena: the case for multiple inheritance
15h00-15h30 B. HerceForm-form relations in the paradigm

15h30-16h00 Coffee break

16h00-16h30 J. RadimskyDoes French have verbal-nexus Noun+Noun compounds? A corpus-based study
16h30-17h00 F. VilloingVerbes statifs et mots composés Verbe-Nom du français : une préférence discrète

17h00-17h15 Closing


R. Blin Représentation sémantique des noms propres dérivés par suffixation, en japonais. Le cas du suffixe go « langue (linguistique) »
A. Millet,
N. Auclair-Ouellet,
M Fossard
Compétences morphologiques compositionnelles en production chez des sujets sains francophones dans une tâche de dénomination d'images
I. PujolFrom manner to result verbs: the evolution of -izar complex verbs in Old Spanish
Y. SchauweckerTypological flexibility: Anglo-French morphology & syntax and its sociolinguistic implications
F. Nemo, F. BadinPermutations in the lexicon: an automated approach